1. The age of the Earth is approximately how many years old? a) 5 hundred, b) 5 thousand, c) 5 million, d) 5 billion, e) 5 trillion 2. The human population of the Earth is approximately how many individuals? a) 50 million, b) 500 million, c) 5 billion, d) 50 billion, e) 500 billion. 3. What is the approximate maximum distance apart two places on Earth can be? a) 2 thousand miles, b) 5 thousand miles, c) 10 thousand, d) 20 thousand miles, e) 50 thousand miles. 4. How far, approximately, in miles, is the distance to the nearest star (Sol, our sun) from here, in miles? a) 1 million, b) 100 million, c) 10 billion, d) 1 trillion, e) 100 trillion. 5. How far, approximately, in miles, is the distance to the second nearest star (Alpha Centauri) from here? a) 30 million, b) 30 billion, c) 30 trillion, d) 30 quadrillion, e) 30 quintillion. 6. What is the approximate number of atoms in your body? (Avagadro's number = 6x10^23 [10^23 means 100000000000000000000000]) a) 10 quadrillion, b) 10 sextillion, c) 10 octillion, d) 10 decillion, e) 10 gadzillion. 7. In what language are the above numbers given? a) English, b) American, c) both of the foregoing, d) neither of the foregoing, e) all of the foregoing. 8. The Roman numeral MCMLXXXV multiplied by itself equals approximately a) MMCCMMLXXXX, b) MMMMCXXV, c) MMMCMXLCCXXV, d) ZZMZCCLXXV, e) ZMCMLXXXV 9. What is the number 1987 multiplied by itself? Exactly. a) 3948169, b) 3940, c) 57976451, d) 8760004, e) 8760005 10. What is 1.987x10^3 * 1.987x10^3 [remember, 10^3 means 1000] ? a) 8.76x10^6, b) 5.80x10^7, c) 3.95x10^3, d) 3.95x10^6, e) 3.95x10^9 11. In 1625, Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island for $24. If Chief Heap Plenty Wampum had invested his $24 at 10% compound interest, approximately what would be the value of the investment today? a) $25 thousand, b) $25 million, c) $25 billion, d) $25 trillion, e) $25 quadrillion. 12. As of 29 July 87, there were 6067 cases of AIDS reported in Europe, with a doubling time of 9 months. If this rate of spread were to continue for another twelve years, how many cases of AIDS would be expected by the turn of the century? a) 58 thousand, b) 580 thousand, c) 5.8 million, d) 58 million, e) 580 million. 13.The doubling time of AIDS cases in the United States is about 14.5 months. The number of diagnoses as of 1 Dec 87 was approximately 47,000. At this rate, what is the expected number of AIDS diagnoses in the US in 8 years (the average incubation time)? a) 0.5 million, b) 1 million, c) 5 million, d) 10 million e) 50 million.